
Minecraft server address example
Minecraft server address example

minecraft server address example

The client is also able to skip this part entirely and send a Ping Request instead. The client follows up with a Status Request packet. Should be 1 for status, but could also be 2 for login. The Notchian server does not use this information. if _minecraft._ points to mc., users connecting to will provide mc. as server address in addition to connecting to it.ĭefault is 25565. Note that SRV records are a complete redirect, e.g. localhost or, that was used to connect. See Protocol version numbers for a list of valid protocol versions. Setting invalid (nonexistent) version as the protocol version might cause some servers to close connection after this packet If the client is pinging to determine what version to use, by convention -1 should be set. The version that the client plans on using to connect to the server (which is not important for the ping). For the general packet format, see that article.įirst, the client sends a Handshake packet with its state set to 1. This uses the regular client-server protocol. 1.6 Ping via LAN (Open to LAN in Singleplayer).Have to expose the Minecraft instances ports, but all the containers are required to be in Refer to this example docker-compose.yml to see how toĬonfigure two different Minecraft servers and a mc-router instance.


You can either use the network ID, it's full name or an alias. work: Specify the network you are using for the router if multiple are.Please note that mc-router.host is still required to be set. fault: Set this to a truthy value to make this server the deafult backend.mc-router.port: This value must be set to the port the Minecraft server is listening on.Use more than one hostname by splitting it with a comma. The service endpoint will be used as the routed backend. mc-router.host: Used to configure the hostname the Minecraft clients would use toĬonnect to the server.To enable discovery you have to set the mc-router.host When running mc-router in a Docker Swarm environment you can pass the -in-docker-swarmĬommand-line argument and it will poll the Docker API periodically to find all the running apiGroups: resources: verbs: Docker Swarm Usage Using Docker Swarm Service auto-discovery Registers a route given a JSON body structured like:ĪpiVersion: /v1 kind: ClusterRole metadata: POST /routes (with Content-Type: application/json) Retrieves the currently configured routes GET /routes (with Accept: application/json) The path to the routes config file (env ROUTES_CONFIG) The port bound to listen for Minecraft client connections (env PORT) (default 25565) (env METRICS_BACKEND_CONFIG_INFLUXDB_USERNAME) metrics-backend-config-influxdb-username string metrics-backend-config-influxdb-tags valueĪny extra tags to be included with all reported metrics (env METRICS_BACKEND_CONFIG_INFLUXDB_TAGS) (env METRICS_BACKEND_CONFIG_INFLUXDB_RETENTION_POLICY) metrics-backend-config-influxdb-retention-policy string (env METRICS_BACKEND_CONFIG_INFLUXDB_PASSWORD) metrics-backend-config-influxdb-password string (env METRICS_BACKEND_CONFIG_INFLUXDB_INTERVAL) (default 1m0s) metrics-backend-config-influxdb-interval duration (env METRICS_BACKEND_CONFIG_INFLUXDB_DATABASE) metrics-backend-config-influxdb-database string

minecraft server address example

(env METRICS_BACKEND_CONFIG_INFLUXDB_ADDR) metrics-backend-config-influxdb-addr string Refresh interval in seconds for the Docker Swarm integration (env DOCKER_REFRESH_INTERVAL) (default 15)Ĭomma-separated mappings of externalHostname=host:port (env MAPPING)īackend to use for metrics exposure/publishing: discard,expvar,influxdb (env METRICS_BACKEND) (default "discard") Timeout configuration in seconds for the Docker Swarm integration (env DOCKER_TIMEOUT) (default 0) Use in-swarm Docker config (env IN_DOCKER_SWARM) The path to a Kubernetes configuration file (env KUBE_CONFIG) Use in-cluster Kubernetes config (env IN_KUBE_CLUSTER) Max number of connections to allow per second (env CONNECTION_RATE_LIMIT) (default 1)Įnables CPU profiling and writes to given path (env CPU_PROFILE) Increase Kubernetes StatefulSet Replicas (only) from 0 to 1 on respective backend servers when accessed (env AUTO_SCALE_UP) The host:port bound for servicing API requests (env API_BINDING)

Minecraft server address example